Monday, October 10, 2016

Telepathy (working principle) Hypothesis

Telepathy: i would talk directly here into core subject here. Telepathy is believed to be a form of communication between minds of 2 people and it is often dipicted in movies, when son is in grave trouble her mother( or beloved )somehow knows it.
Well for my hypothesis all the cues are there to observe and hence to figure it out how telepathy works.
Most of movie scenes about telepathy are depicted on real life incidents. Assuming them to be true. There are some important points that throw light on subject. For example
1-) only closed ones who are strongly bonded (like mother or wife/beloved) can
perform telepathy and not anyone else. Why? Well we can conclude that strong emotional bond is one critical ingredient for telepathy.why? That i will explain later(here)
2-)In case of having more than one child the mothers do precisely pin point exactly which son. How?

Now lets talk into technical term we know that for every communication 3 things are vital
1-sender (or transmitter), 2-medium and means (eg- air and radio wave), 3- receiver   .

Without going into detailed explanation of communication system and processes involved into it like coding-decoding,noise reduction etc. I will get directly to the point.
In telepathy we know the senders and receivers now how this works is quite simple we know that our brains emit some short of waves often known as à(alpha)wave, ž ( zeta wave) etc. So eavry wave emits them and every other brain receives them but only problem is decoding. Well there could be 2 ways for decoding brain waves i.e. either by genetic reasons or by experience and learing. I think humans use both of them when it comes to mothers there can be some genetic role but in cases where wives\beloved ones use telepathy they utilize experience and learning.
Before explaining further i would like to state two facts.
1-our brain emits different waves like alpha beta or zeta (in other words different frequecies)depending up our state of mind i.e. happy, sad, distress etc.
2- second fact is that when there is strong emotion involved the data is recorded in long term memory(LTM) or even in our subconscious for eg- you still remember your first kiss, sex or death or loved one etc.

Same happens when you are strongly bonded with another person when they are in high stress or very happy they emit different brain waves and if you are close to them you receive the brain waves and associated state of mind i.e. happy sad distress by seeing that person. In telepathy it is often the stress signal which is more frequently captured because it has strong significance to our brain as it is crucial for our survival and hence our brain is hard-wired  and sensitive to stress signals.

Now concluding all this here it how it goes. Person who share strong emotional bond develops a mechanism to decode the brain signals of other person they are bonded to. And due to significance of stress signal our brain gives them priority and is sensitive to them. So whenever if that colsed person is in grave danger  she/he emits stress waves or (stops sending waves at all in case of death) and due to past experience and genetic reasons the other bonded person decodes them.

There are many more factors to it. Such as the medium through which brain waves can travel, pattern of change of frequency of brain waves, and singals other than stress signal, and those chills sometimes you get they are all connected. But i am not much motivated to type em all up here so sayonara😈

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